Sustainability at Leine Linde

At Leine Linde, sustainability is at the core of everything we do. We believe in sustainable development and continue to contribute to making the world better for both business, society, and the environment.

Leine Linde rated Top 35% by EcoVadis

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we complete a thorough assessment every year through EcoVadis, the world's largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings.

EcoVadis evaluates more than 130,000 companies worldwide based on four key categories: environmental impact, labour and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.

In 2024, Leine Linde was awarded a bronze medal.

Our sustainability journey until today

We continuously develop and improve our sustainability work and are strongly committed to the journey. Our sustainability strategy is based on integrating sustainability throughout our operations and in all aspects of economic, social, and environmental aspects.

At Leine Linde, we take responsibility for reducing the environmental footprints of our operations. These actions include:

  • We measure and follow up on our sustainability performance to ensure continuous improvements

  • We purchase 100% renewable electricity and have installed 900 m² of solar panels

  • We offer health-promoting activities and a range of benefits for all employees

Our sustainability initiatives and climate impact

The choices we make today define the world we live in tomorrow. As a global company, we strive to do the right thing and always aim to reduce our climate impact, use the world's resources more efficiently and conduct business more responsibly.

Our sustainability initiatives include:

  • 95% of the aluminum we use in our encoders is recycled

  • Community engagement, local sponsorships and collaborations 

  • We communicate regularly with customers, employees, partners and suppliers on sustainability issues, goals and efforts




Long-life encoders that increase the efficiency and the lifetime of the application 22%* reduction of carbon emissions per unit sold since 2020
95% of the aluminum we use in our encoders is recycled Community engagement, local sponsorships and collaborations
Initiatives to implement alternatives to fossil fuels to reduce external logistics-related emissions 98% of our **Nordic suppliers use electricity from fossil-free and renewable energy sources


* When calculating Leine Linde’s climate impact, the GreenHouseGas(GHG)  Protocol is used 

**Nordic suppliers amount to ~33 % of all suppliers globally

Do you want to know more?

Get in touch with us if you want to have a better insight of how we work with sustainability related questions.